ProFTPD module mod_comb

The mod_comb module implements non-standard COMB command.

COMB command can be found in some commercial FTP servers (SecureFTP Server, for example) and used by some clients (CuteFTP, SmartFTP, and others) to implement multistream upload.

This module takes additional sicurity checks aside to standard ProFTPD command enabling/disabling (see <Limit> instruction in ProFTPD documentation) It checks, that file segments can be deleted by user with standard DELE command and (optionally) check, that all file segments has similar names.

Installation instructions are discussed here.


Please contact Lev Serebryakov <lev at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.




COMB command combine (append) 2 or more files together, one by one, and remove all files but first (which contains all data after combining) after that.

The syntax for COMB is:

  COMB first-segment-name second-segment-name [next-segment-name ...]

Use of COMB command can be controlled via <Limit> sections, e.g.:

  <Limit COMB>
    AllowUser alex

Also, this command will be denied if DELE command is disabled for segment files.

Additional segments will be deleted right after processing, so this command need additional space equivalwnt to largest segment size.


Syntax: CombMaxSegmentCount Maximum count
Default: 0 (unlimited)
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Anonymous>, <Global>, <Directory>, .ftpaccess
Module: mod_comb
Compatibility: 1.3.1

The CombMaxSegmentCount directive is used to limit number of combined segements.

By default, number of combined segments is unlimited. This directive can not be set to 1, because it is meaningless value.


Syntax: CombMaxSegmentSize number[units]
Default: 0 (unlimited)
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Anonymous>, <Global>, <Directory>, .ftpaccess
Module: mod_comb
Compatibility: 1.3.1

The CombMaxSegmentSize directive is used to limit size of one segment.

The given number is the number of bytes for the limit, and is followed by a units specifier of (case-insensitive) "Gb" (Gigabytes), "Mb" (Megabytes), "Kb" (Kilobytes), or "B" (bytes). The given number of bytes is multiplied by the appropriate factor.

By default, size segments is unlimited.


Syntax: CombMaxTotalSize number[units]
Default: 0 (unlimited)
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Anonymous>, <Global>, <Directory>, .ftpaccess
Module: mod_comb
Compatibility: 1.3.1

The CombMaxTotalSize directive is used to limit total size of all segemnts (and result file).

The given number is the number of bytes for the limit, and is followed by a units specifier of (case-insensitive) "Gb" (Gigabytes), "Mb" (Megabytes), "Kb" (Kilobytes), or "B" (bytes). The given number of bytes is multiplied by the appropriate factor.

By default, size COMB result is unlimited.


Syntax: CombBufferSize number[units]
Default: 65536 bytes
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Anonymous>, <Global>, <Directory>, .ftpaccess
Module: mod_comb
Compatibility: 1.3.1

The CombBufferSize directive is used to set size of memory buffer, used for combining files. Module read and write up to this size bytes in each read/write operation.

The given number is the number of bytes for the limit, and is followed by a units specifier of (case-insensitive) "Gb" (Gigabytes), "Mb" (Megabytes), "Kb" (Kilobytes), or "B" (bytes). The given number of bytes is multiplied by the appropriate factor.

Maximum size is 1Mb and minimum size is 64Kb.


Syntax: CombCheckSegmentNames on | off
Default: on
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Anonymous>, <Global>, <Directory>, .ftpaccess
Module: mod_comb
Compatibility: 1.3.1

The CombCheckSegmentNames directive is used to turn on and off additional security check for segment file names.

If this check is turned on, all segment names must have common prefix and first segment name (result file name) must be equal to this prefix. This check protects from combining (and removing) completely unrelated files.


The mod_comb module is distributed outside ProFTPD. Copy mod_comb.c file into

Follow the normal steps for using third-party modules in proftpd:

  ./configure --with-modules=mod_site_misc
  make install


Download version 0.1 (first public release) here.

© Copyright 2008 Lev Serebryakov
All Rights Reserved